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Minimally Invasive Percutaneous Plate Osteosynthesis Does Not Increase Complication Rates in Extra-Articular Distal Tibial Fractures
Background :
Selection of a treatment method in cases of unstable, nonarticular distal tibial fractures is still a matter of discussion. Intramedullary nailing, which is a “gold standard” for tibial shaft fractures, does not always work for this specific transition area between diaphysis and metaphysis. Instead, new minimally invasive techniques with special implants are popular.
Aims :
To determine the functional and radiological results of distal tibial fractures treated with minimally invasive percutaneous plate osteosynthesis (MIPPO) technique.
Study Design :
Retrospective cohort analysis.
Methods :
Thirty distal tibial fractures treated with MIPPO method, between January 2006 and December 2010, were evaluated retrospectively. All patients were classified according to AO/OTA classification. Period of hospital stay, time of fracture union, time to allow full weight bearing, early and late complications were inquired. Functional outcomes were assessed by AOFAS scores.
Results :
There were 13 male and 17 female patients with an average age of 44.26 (range, 22-77 years). One superficial infection and one malunion were observed. Two patients were revised for the loss of reduction and healed uneventfully. According to the AO/OTA classification, 23 patients were 43-A1 (76.6%), 3 were 43-A2 (10%) and 4 were 43-A3 (13.3%). Post-operative mean stay of patients at the hospital was 2.6 ± 1.42 days (range, 1-7 days). Mean full weight-bearing period of the patients was found out as 13.16 ± 2.6 weeks (range, 10-22 weeks). The mean period of union of fracture for patients was found out as 19.8 ± 2.99 weeks (range, 16-34 weeks).
Conclusion :
Treatment of distal tibial fractures with MIPPO method provides a successful treatment strategy as long as used as per the technique, and it respects and does not harm soft tissues which allows early callus formation and rapid healing that enable the patient to walk as early as possible after the operation. The overall clinical and functional outcome is still good despite minor complications.