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Angulating-Distraction Ulnar Osteotomy and Interpositional Phosphocalcic Ceramic Wedge Graft for a Chronic Monteggia Lesion

The Open Orthopaedics Journal 31 Mar 2017 CASE REPORT DOI: 10.2174/1874325001711010263



Various types of osteotomies have been used to facilitate reduction of the radial head and to prevent recurrent subluxation. The Bouyala technique – open reduction of radial head associated with open wedge ulnar osteotomy with or without annular ligament reconstruction, is presently the most widely used treatment for long- standing traumatic dislocation of the radial head, independently of age, in the absence of osteoarthritis remodeling, and should preferably be performed within 1 year of trauma.


In this article, we present a similar case operated by same technique, but we used synthetic phosphocalcic ceramic wedge graft instead of auto bone graft as described in many other studies. We believe that, this will limit the donor site morbidity and also aid in achieving better stability at osteotomy site, which in turn help in proceeding with early active mobilization protocol.


We achieved union of the osteotomy by three months. Clinically, there was no deformity and she achieved full pain-free range of motion of elbow joint.


We believe that, use of synthetic phosphocalcic ceramic wedge graft allow rigid fixation of osteotomy, provides additional stability, decrease the risk of secondary displacement and allow early mobilization, which may minimize contracture and we could achieve fairly good clinical outcome.

Keywords: Chronic radial head, Dislocation, Interposition graft, Monteggia lesion, Ulnar osteotomy, Wedge.
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