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A New Case of Fracture of a Modular Femoral Neck Device After a Total Hip Arthroplasty

The Open Orthopaedics Journal 15 May 2015 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874325001509010126


This report addresses a new case of a modular femoral neck fracture after total hip arthroplasty. A now seventy-three-year- old overweight female underwent total hip replacement of the right hip because of osteoarthritis in the year 2002. Then, years later, the head and the polyethylene were changed due to wear. In October 2014, the patient was transferred from the trauma department of her hometown to our department after she had slipped and fallen directly on her right hip. The x-rays done at the trauma department have shown no periprosthetic fracture but a fracture of the modular neck. Therefore, the patient was transferred to our department in order to undergo a revision arthroplasty with change of the stem and head after splitting the femur.

Keywords: Arthroplasty, fracture, hip, neck, .
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